For some reason, blogger is no longer uploading pictures for me. I'm not sure if its the movies I've posted lately or if the system is just fruitlooping. Either way, I've posted new pics on Facebook and you can see them there.
The weather was beautiful today, and Virginia Tech had their big international festival this weekend so we took the kids over to try some exotic food and just enjoy being outdoors. Caleb got a plate of red curried rice and vegetables at the Thai booth (VERY good) and I opted for sweeter fare - Guarana and brigadeiros at the Brazil booth. Gotta represent, right Dad? It was a fun afternoon and the kids got plenty of time to run around and wear themselves out.
Caleb is still plugging along at school and doing very well, and I'm working part time at the University for the Crop and Soil Environmental Sciences department. There's about a month left before classes end, and hopefully by then we'll have a better idea of what we're doing next. Life is always exciting!