Sunday, November 11, 2007
Thursday, November 08, 2007
You're the pride of Ol' VPI!
The sacrifice of one's soul
Allegedly there was a time when Pat Robertson was considered a leader of the evangelical movement and according to the news networks he still is a leader. I for one would have thought his repeated heretical statements (not to mention the claim of being able to leg press 2000lbs) would have disqualified him but apparently Christian leadership is determined by how many TV shows you own and/or how many people attend your church. Interesting.
Regardless, I must concede that even though I disagree with many things Pat Robertson says and does, I respect that he has always defended the biblical truths. He has not been afraid to say that homosexuality is a sin or label abortion as murder. Bravo! So I was surprised to learn that on Nov. 7th Robertson announced that he was endorsing Giuliani.
What exactly is happening to Christian Republicans these days? What could possibly posses people to throw their support behind a candidate who has shamelessly supported abortion, homosexual rights and repeatedly broken his marriage vows? Don't think that shameless is an exaggeration...the man has voiced support for partial-birth abortion, is famous for marching in New York’s June Gay Pride parade and publicly brought mistresses into New York Mayor's mansion while married. That is the short list.
So why are Robertson and so many other "conservative" Christians supporting Giuliani? I believe that it is born out of an intense (and irrational) fear of Hillary Clinton as the next President. Not a fear for our nation's children or otherwise people wouldn't support Giuliani, instead it is a fear for our money...the fear that Hillary's socialist agenda will tax us into poverty.
We should be ashamed by Christianity's eagerness to discard the pro-life agenda in exchange for their pocketbooks. Is it worth trading the lives of infants for acceptable tax rates? Or should the question be phrased, is it Godly/Righteous/Christian to trade the lives of infants for acceptable tax rates? No. As Pat Buchanan said, a Republican nomination of Giuliani is a “retention of power at the price of one's soul.”