We are at home in Blacksburg! It took awhile, between the long season of packing and cleaning, to the month-long vacation while staying with Caleb's parents, but we're finally moved into our little apartment and completely unpacked. The kiddos love their new (shared) room and have already happily rediscovered all of their toys... so happily, in fact, that I think from now on I'll always keep one third of their toys packed away, and then rotate so there's always something new and exciting. Christmas all year long!
And speaking of, it was a good Christmas. As I mentioned, we were staying with the Weltys for the holidays so we got to share Christmas morning with them. Judah and Erin were sick but still managed to enjoy the new toys and goodies. We had a low-key New Years, and even went to bed early.
So college life starts in earnest this week - I'll be hunting for a job and Caleb will start class on Wednesday. Abby (Caleb's sister, who will be living with us for the semester) starts classes next week and will job hunting as well. Should make for a full and fun 5 months!!
I will post some pics in the next few days. No, really... I promise.