Sunday, June 18, 2006

Hey, good-lookin'... Whatcha got cookin'?

Erin made her first batch of chocolate cookies the other night when we had a cookout with the Ridleys. Mostly she just stirred the batter (occasionally flinging it onto the counter and stove), but she loved every minute of "helping" her Aunt Vanessa bake!


Papa said...

Wow! I didn't know Veronica could cook! I am shocked and slightly embarrased (and I don't even have a bath towel). I am only SLIGHTLY concerned at the less than safe environment: baby sitting on hot stove with minimal supervision and all sorts of sharp objects around.

T2Irish said...

really puts the term bun-sen burner into perspective, huh Erin?

Nic Ridley said...

Luckily Erin's diaper was so big she didn't even realize the stove was on!

Janice Phillips said...

Aw, how fun!!!

Kristen said...

Did Vanessa just say that Erin has a big butt??

Papa said...

I guess I'll have to set aside one day during our precious, yet too short, vacation to counsel Veronica about what kind of speech to use around babies. Especially babies so sweet and innocent like Erin.

Anonymous said...

and if erin is anything, she's innocent. that baby has never done anything wrong in her life, she just needs more chocolate chips!