I figure its time for an update, not that there's much to report.... We spent last weekend with Caleb's family at Ski Liberty for the annual Welty family reunion. The weather was great for hiking and swimming and Erin loved having tons of play time with her aunts and uncles.
The week prior Erin was pretty much down for the count with a nasty intestinal virus. We did lots of laundry and she lived on water and crackers for the better part of the week but managed to recover in time for the reunion.
I keep expecting to recover from morning sickness one of these days, but no luck so far. I have finally put on 2 lbs which keeps the midwife from lecturing me but I'd love just to wake up and get through a whole day without feeling nauseated and drained... I mean come on, this is week 23!! In any case, at least I know it'll be over by December :-)
Dok is here visiting this week and we are so happy!! We haven't decided yet if we'll let her go back since we're always so sad when she leaves... Kristen and I readily admit that our lives are boring without her. We love our Dok!!
Thats all for now...