Thursday, May 15, 2008


I will admit it’s hard to have sympathy for the FLDS polygamists in Texas.

Their behavior appears to at least be socially unacceptable and at most morally reprehensible. Their homemade clothing, compound lifestyle, large birth rates, strange religious beliefs and train of wives…inspire most of us to imagine that they are the type of people we expect to break the law and in turn expect the government to reign in. At least that’s what the media believes and in turn that is what most of America has come to believe.

Maybe this explains the lack of conservative outrage…the subconscious opinion that “weird people don’t have rights”.

How else do you explain the lack of outrage when hundreds of children are taken from their homes, given unauthorized pelvic examinations, and indefinitely placed in state foster homes without any convictions or filed charges?

How else do you explain the lack of outrage when a government uses military tanks and weapons to seize and search personal property, sequester children and imprison adults based on an anonymous tip from a person who had been previous accused of making false reports? Even though the state law CLEARLY says that the court must have an “affidavit sworn to by a person with personal knowledge” of the abuse (of course there is always that pesky Bill of Rights issue too…)

How else do you explain the lack of outrage when the government justifies their behavior by suggesting there was “possible abuse” of children as well as evidence of broken bones? Don’t confuse possible to mean they actually have any evidence. And while some of the alleged abuse is sexual the rest of it is described as “beatings”. Could it be possible that “beatings” is a CPS codeword for spanking? Oh and since when do children never break bones?

How else do you explain the lack of outrage when the government justifies their behavior by claiming they have pregnant minors…only to have multiple warrants quietly rescinded when the government admits these women aren’t really minors?

How else do you explain the lack of outrage when the government tells a new mother that her infant is now under the state authority and if she leaves the hospital she will no longer be able to see her child?

Have we forgotten that the Government does not own our children, it does not own our families and it does not own our land? No matter how much we dislike these people’s behavior, they are innocent until proven guilty! And even if they are found guilty, why are we punishing the women and children when allegedly they are the victims of these crimes?

On a side note, when was Texas' government hijacked by big-government Republicans? Forced vaccinations and GPS units on truant students have just been the latest attacks on freedom to hit the news...something I would expect from Massachusetts, but Texas?


Kristen said...

Its almost as if to express outrage at the government intrusion is seen as comparable to approval for the FLDS lifestyle and beliefs. What a sad country this is. Anyone who does not believe that we need protection from our own government is deluded.

Caleb said...

"Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."
- George Washington

Papa said...

If polygamy is illegal, then prosecute that crime. To invent a lot of other stuff to justify an intervention is the practice of authoritarian regimes like Iran or Saudi Arabia or Russia. It is not becoming of a country that says it operates under the rule of law.
You are right that true constitutional conservatives should have expressed real outrage. What if they don't like homeschoolers next?

Tiffany said...

Excellent post.

Anonymous said...

That was wonderfully said, Caleb. Thanks for putting words to our thoughts.

Terri (Silzell) White

Nic Ridley said...

What happened to this blog? I like the new look! And good post, too.

dirksgirl said...

Agreed. and yes Texas is becoming scary, like Mass.

The Fox Den said...

I love that your blog goes from cute kids to political posts and back to cute kids :) My tidbit: I personally know three different women who have grown up in three different sects of a polygamist cult (just happens to be in UT). One of them has visibally seen family members murdered because they tried to remove themselves from the group. It's not a place any child (who's protectors are only their "parents") should be. However, I do think TX was gunning for them and it will be a part of our history that will haunt us.

Joanna said...

I've been very upset about this whole situation, knowing that actions like these will only justify the invasion of my own "weird" homeschooling home. I just saw on the news that an appeals court in Austin said that Texas had no right to take the kids! I hope they get reunited with their mothers soon; I can just imagine the heartbreak among all those poor people.

I like your post and agree with all your points.

Melissa said...

you go girl, my thoughts exactly. we should meet for coffee and booze.

Melissa said...

and how is it that you are having better brain function than me and jesse's a few months older?

Amy K said...

Very true. Excellent points. Kevin and I had a similar discussion about Michael Jackson during his trial, who is even weirder, I think.

Shanna said...

Can I just say, AMEN!!!

Mel, sent me your post. I live just south of you in Waterford.

I am a die hard Texan. Born and raised but this was the one time I was completely embarrassed by that fact.
