Thursday, June 12, 2008


Time for the monthly blog update - for some reason I can't seem to muster anything more frequent...

Erin is taking swim lessons with her cousin Carrie, and they are loving every minute of it. For picture of the two bathing beauties, see here. Erin is still growing like a weed and is already wearing a few size 6X dresses (courtesy of cousin Abigail), and has already outgrown the summer sandals I bought her in April. Her latest obsession is bicycles and wondering when she'll get her own... I think next summer will be the perfect time, and maybe this way we can avoid the whole tricycle stage and move straight to something with removable training wheels.

Judah is growing fast as well, although he hasn't been quite the chunk that his sister was at this age. He is moving around quite a bit (rolling, scooting, etc) but still seems to be resistant to sitting up (the one thing I need him to do!). His grumpy nature hasn't won him many friends among family yet, but we love him, frown and all :-) I have a feeling he'll grown into a fiercely loyal and protective young man.

Caleb and I are gearing up for the Warren family vacation this August... Us Virginians are meeting up with the Warren and Russell Texans for a week in the Tennessee mountains - a welcome vacation for all of us. Erin is looking forward to a week of playing with cousins, Caleb plans to get his fill of fishing, and I plan to RELAX. We're not sure how Jude will fill his time, but I'm sure it will involve demanding lots of treats from the Papa... and I'm sure the Papa will indulge him. We can't wait!!


Papa said...

My limit is one treat a day! Or was that one an hour? Anyway, we'll see what happens in TN.

Anne said...

My kids have a strict limit of... wait, who am i kidding?

btw Dad, i think my phone might be broken.

Stephanie said...

Yea, an update!! ha!

Anonymous said...

Enough with your "updates" already! I want pictures of Erin and Jude.