Monday, December 08, 2008

Count all the bees in the hive, chase all the clouds from the sky...

Our little man is one!! Judah is always busy getting into stuff, taking his sisters toys, and making us laugh with his sour faces :-) He's walking more often than crawling now, and even trying to run to keep up with his Erin. He's drinking from his cup most of the time now, and eating pretty much everything we eat. He says Uh-oh, Dada, Mama, Cuh cuh (for cracker), and a few other things that we're not sure about right now... and he loves to play Dad's guitar!
I wish this picture didn't include the pacifier (for some reason I shudder at non-sleeping children sucking pacifiers!!) but evidently Erin found it for him right before I got the camera out.

1 comment:

sis said...

we were just having him!!

(and he needs that pap. and his blanket.)