Sunday, August 21, 2005

Everyday feels so incomplete 'til you walk into the room...

After more than 5 weeks of working mad overtime (more than 120 hrs per week), Caleb is finally back at home with Erin and me. Not that he doesn't have to work at all, but he will be coming home every evening at a somewhat normal time. This is good because when he's not around I have no motivation to continue on with home improvement projects (the downstairs bathroom has been half-painted for about a month now) and most of the time I'm doing good just to keep laundry and dishes going. As I've said before, I'm domestically challenged. Why am I so helpless? Aubrey would say I have "baby princess" syndrome... But really its because without Caleb, I am only half of a person and so who can expect me to complete a whole task? This is my rationalization anyway, and rationalization is one of my spiritual gifts. At any rate, we are so grateful to have Caleb home and that life will be returning to normal. Normal is good.


Anonymous said...

Let's see. . .Rationalization. . .yes that's number four here on my list of the motivational gifts, right above procrastination. . .that could come in really handy. . .especially if you're lucky enough to have BOTH!

Kristen said...

Its ok Annie, I'm the same way. I get so lethargic and unmotivated when Dave's away/busy. I mean, busy is good, because it usually means he's coming home with money(from the track of course) but I still have a hard time when he's away. When he's home, there's just this relief and security that helps me be better at everything I do. Its good we have these guys, but better for us if we keep them thinking that its good they have us, yeah?

Nic Ridley said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. Thank goodness the guys are back to normal!!

Anne said...

and am i ever lucky, seeing as how i DO have both :-P

Nic Ridley said...

Anne, I can't figure out how to blog...I must be inept at computer stuff. I don't know why I have two blogs! I only wanted one, and only thought I had one! Grrr...

Papa said...

Vanessa must be bloggily challenged. I don't know whats wrong with her. I mean, I know how may blogs I have. NONE! That way I don't get confused. Don't make me come out there!

Anne said...

its ok, nic. it took me almost two years to blog like everyone else did, and to get my blog to look like i wanted.

dad, that's the point. we WANT you to come out here.

Papa said...

Hey. I'm working on it. I really am. Plus Erin called me last night and said she NEVER gets chocolate or Frosty from Wendys. What is up with that? Hello! McWeltys!

Anne said...

That's it, now Erin is grounded for using the phone without asking. Will she never learn?

Nic Ridley said...

Erin's Auntie Sessa is going to take care of getting her all the chocolate and frosties that she could possibly want. hee hee -

Um...yeah, I can't blog. It's too hard. So I will just snoop around everyone else's blog and laugh at all of their attempts at being witty. lol! I think this way I have the upperhand. ;-)

Papa said...

Let's see. Vanessa is 4'10" and she has the "upperhand". I don't think so.

Nic Ridley said...

Oh man! Why am I laughing???

Anonymous said...

ok this is for ann. she told me to comment, so here it is...a comment!!
YAY!!! GO ME!!! ok ok.
i love you annie, and i miss you so much. tell mom and dad to send me up there.:)

---beth (your sister...remember bethy?)

Lyric said...

GO YOU, BETHANY! Nice to "see" you here...stick around... :) Share a story about your Scotland adventure along the way!