Thursday, September 22, 2005

Grave robber.

Tomorrow my husband wraps up almost 8 years in the IT field and at HSLDA/Patrick Henry College altogether, and both of us are feeling slightly melancholy about it. We are finding that even though we are confident in our decision (and more importantly, in step with the Spirit), its hard not to be sad leaving a place that holds so many good memories for us and still employs some of our best friends. We are thankful that the Lord gave us an opportunity to be integral parts of those ministries, and we are excited about what He has for us in the future.

We found out this week that my dad's dad is suffering from prostate cancer. We don't know yet how advanced it is or what the treatment options are, but my Pawpop is a strong man - one of the strongest I've ever known - and he knows Who holds his future. What a testimony.

Being a mom brings fresh perspective and new worries... What if she's allergic to peas? What if she never remembers my grandparents? What if she wants to join the Peace Corps? What if she doesn't like being tall? I've always been a worrier and motherhood just magnifies that in me. I just don't want to smother my children and keep them from the Lord's work (here or over oceans)... Its a good thing that the same God who laid Moses in his grave is lifting us out of ours.


Papa said...

I will say to all reading this blog post, how proud i am to be Caleb's father-in-law. He has shown such excellence in his work at HSLDA, perseverance, dedication, humility and he has finished well there. HSLDA and PHC are the better for having had Caleb there. And our family is the better for having him part of us.

Anonymous said...

Wow Annie. . .great observations.

Being a mom is a whole constellation of emotions, sensations, responsibilities, and challenges. You're encountering them all at once, as most of us did at one time, and it's both exhilarating and scary. Good thing the little ones are very forgiving in the first couple of years :-)

All of us are praying for Caleb as he takes this next step. Not surprised that there's some sadness connected with leaving the old "life". . .but there's a new one ahead, and it's good to see him walking confidently into it! We're anxious to hear all about it first hand in a few weeks. . .

Lyric said...

I'm praying the bitter/sweet departure will transform itself into an open door of direction and clarity about what He has in store for the Welty House!

I share this excerpt by Frederick Buechner, it's been with me through many transitions. It's from his book "The Hungering Dark" where he talks about finding the "voice of gladness in our vocation..."

"There are all different kinds of voices calling you to all different kinds of work. The challenge is to find which is the voice of God rather than society, ego, or self-interest. The place God calls you to is where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."

May you enjoy the sacred journey fully...

Anonymous said...

"The place God calls you to is where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."

What a lovely way to express that cross-section of the place where the desires and abilites God has placed in us and the needs He's allowed in the world intersect. There's a distinct point like that for each person, a point slightly different than for any other. And when we find it. . .it resonates.

Anne said...

speaking of callings to different kinds of work... a few months ago i was asked to speak for our church's Mother's Day banquet about how it feels to be a new mom. i shared with those women about how as a working woman, i had to re-evaluate from time to time whether i was in the right job and if there was somewhere else i was supposed to be. what a weight lifted when i realized (after having E) that i would never again be in that position. i will never have to wonder if motherhood is the 'right profession' for me or if i should choose another career path. from now forward, my only question to myself (well, to my Father) will be "am i being the best wife/mother that i can be?".

Kristen said...

I'm so excited for you both as you walk this new path. Caleb is so gifted and we're all grateful for his talents, and eager to see how his skills are honed in other areas in this new venture. And its great to see you settling into motherhood so naturally, Anne. Erin will someday realize how blessed she is to have been placed in your home, with a Mom who gave all she had to make her little girl all God called her to be!

Joshua and Carrie Briggs said...

Annie and Caleb,

Congratulations on your new employment move! What will Caleb be doing? Going back to school?

Joshua and Carrie Briggs

Anne said...

hello briggs!! glad to see y'all have a blog :-) Caleb is going to work for his dad, and then eventually he'll go back to school for his MBA. We're excited about the change!!

Amy K said...

Hey guys! It's been a long time since we've seen you. (So, congratulations on getting married, having a baby, etc. -- yes, it's been that long!) I still remember the bittersweetness of leaving HSLDA to move on when God called. My HSLDA days were some of my fondest years, good times. But the Lord knew what He was doing in leading us to where we are now. There's no place like being in the middle of God's will for your life.

I wish you all success in this next step.

Kevin (& Amy) Koons