Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Erin and I went to work today... The girl who replaced me turned in her two weeks notice (right before all the students return and she's desperately needed) so they called me to come back and help for awhile. I don't mind it, and its a good excuse to get out of the house and see my husband and old co-worker friends. The only downside is that Erin is getting too big and loud to keep at the office so if I'm gonna work part-time, I've really got to find childcare. I hate the thought of being away from her!

In other news, well... there is no other news. Ok how 'bout this: we might get new kitchen cabinets this month. And I've decided that I'm domestically disabled. I cook the same three meals, I can't hang picture arrangements decently, and yes I'm pretty much outshined by my two older (and one younger) sisters in all things homemaking. Is there a class I can take? Hello? Is this thing on? Is this a fake hangup? This is a fake hangup...


Anonymous said...

hello i just found this blog! is this a fake hangup? no, really, its me. The Papa!

dok said...

haha...shane is an expert at making grilled cheese. we should all take lessons from him. i wish i was as cool as shane.

Anonymous said...

Tell me about it. It gets embarrassing that Chris outshines me in decorating. ;-) Also, I think Chris is getting tired of eating pasta.

Anne said...

Grilled Cheese is one of my three meals. Why don't you give me a nice paper cut and pour lemon juice on it? Since you're such a fancy schmancy cook, I'm sure you have plenty of it on hand.

Anne said...

Vanessa, at least I'm not the only one with the small cooking reportoire! We'll stick together!

Anonymous said...

hey annie, if you need childcare, i'll take care of her every day, of course, there will be a fee of roughly $20 an hour, not to mention plane tickets, food costs, and gas money. i'll start on monday!