Thursday, December 20, 2007

i've seen the paths that your eyes wander down, i wanna come too...

Here's a few recent pictures of Judah.... He is recovering from pink eye which is why he looks like a pirate in most of these ;-) Judah is such a sweet guy and we love discovering more of his little personality each day. Erin is being a wonderful big sister, and loves covering him with kisses :-) More pictures to come!


Kristen said...

Peanut!! Love it, love it!

Granny said...

AWWW...we LOVE our little Judah Matey! He does look like a pirate! Hope that gets better soon. I can't wait to hold him :-)

Papa said...

Aaargh! Looks like some scurvy landlubber who needs to be keelhauled and hoisted up onto the poop deck.

I guess being a baby and all, that deck is the most appropriate one.

Nic Ridley said...

So sweet!!!

Candace/Chloe said...

What a cutie!
