Wednesday, September 05, 2007

and they jumped at the snow with long rakes and red bats...

Erin's latest fascination is rhyming words... She begs me constantly to play the "rhyming game" and can usually find a rhyming word to match mine. Occasionally she comes up with a non-word word, but for the most part she's getting it. So now in the car instead of listening to Barney or some other incessantly annoying kids' CD, we rhyme. Can't wait to see what the next phase will be :-)


Nic Ridley said...

I've heard her rhyme and am very impressed! How can a two-year old know so much already?

Papa said...

Try these with her and see what she starts talking about.

vittles - skittles
mandy - candy
knickers - snickers
maybe sooth - baby ruth
words - nerds
bollos - rollos

These were chosen at random.

T2Irish said...

don't forget mummy cares - gummy bears

the mccann clan said...

She's so sweet! It was wonderful to catch myself up on your lives through the wonderful world of blogging! Please keep in touch!

Janelle, Collin, Moira & Ian

dirksgirl said...

I wanna see Erin at the beach, please!

Amy K said...

Meredith has just recently started doing this too. I think it was after I did some silly rhyming and she caught on. Yes, her words are often not "real" words either. Fun game ... :)