Sunday, January 20, 2008

its a human sign when things go wrong...

Well this was supposed to be a fun, photo-filled post about our visit so far with Mom this week... but instead we're all in the throws of (or recovering from) a nasty little virus that struck the day Mom arrived :-( All of the Slaughters succumbed, and Erin and I followed suit - only Caleb and Judah have dodged the bullet! So no pictures or good stories this time.

In other news, Judah had his one month check up last week and seems to be progressing nicely. He weighed in at 9 lbs 12 oz (25Th%) and is measuring 23 inches (90Th%). In between his fussy times he is constantly winning us over with his sweet smile and frequent attempts to 'talk' to us. Erin still loves to kiss him and insists that she's his primary caregiver ;-)

And speaking of Erin, she has been such a joy in this whole adjustment-to-new-baby phase. Despite initial reticence about having Judah come live with us, her little personality has blossomed in ways I never would've imagined. She is so much more personable and welcoming to guests than before, and is much more cooperative about completing daily tasks (getting dressed, brushing hair, etc). Yesterday after her bath she let me give her a manicure and pedicure (that NEVER would've happened a few months ago) complete with pink nail polish, and proudly showed them to her Dad and her Granny. I love having a little girl!

Our visit with Granny will continue until Tuesday (the days fly by too quickly!) and on Thursday Aubrey will come spend a long weekend... Sadly, this will end our post-baby visitors for awhile and I'll be left scrambling to figure out how to care for and entertain TWO children. Maybe one of these days I'll be brave enough to venture out with them!


Granny said...

It's fun seeing you mother a very different kind of baby and watching you continue to nurture and enjoy Erin. You're right...Judah must've turned a switch in her because she's changing in delightful ways!

I'm sad we've all been so sick, but it's still better than not getting to see you at all :-)

Granny said...

I've tagged you on my blog for a meme. Come on, tell us how quirky you are and it HAS to involve some food :-)