Monday, January 28, 2008


So my mother has tagged me, which means I'm actually gonna have to complete a meme without being sarcastic about it ;-) I hope my compliance is duly noted...

And the rules are.... 1.) Show some cyber-love to the person who tagged you (check). 2.) Post the 5 Meme Commandments on your blog so no one cheats (check). 3.)Share six non-important things/habits/quirks about yourself without grossing anyone out (working on that one). 4.) Punish, er.... tag 6 random people at the end by linking to their little piece of cyber-real estate (coming soon...). 5.) Let the lucky winners know by commenting on their blog (oh just hold your horses!).

And now for the 411 on Anne:

1.) I am the world's pickiest eater.
2.) I love true-crime tv shows and books.
3.) When I was 3 y/o, I drove my grandfather's van all by myself.
4.) I still think of myself as the baby of the family.
5.) I have always wanted a golden retriever.
6.) I love having my hair brushed.

Tagging... Vanessa, SEM, Missi, Shelley, Janelle, and Carrie.

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